A State Perspective on Bioterrorism
Eddy Bresnitz, MD, MS, State Epidemiologist and Assistant Commissioner of Health for the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, discusses the anthrax epidemic that occurred in his state during the fall of 2001.

City Under Water: Flood Emergencies and Public Health
The goal of this web-based case study is to familiarize learners with flood disasters, and how the public health workforce responds to a flood emergency.

Excellence in Collaboration
Presenting are Rob Blake, REHS, MPH, Heidi Davidson, MPH, and Susan Lance, DVM, PhD, all members of the Metro Atlanta Surveillance Task Force (MASTF), whose mission is to develop and coordinate a unified multi-agency health assessment system that promotes and protects the health of the people in the Atlanta region through surveillance and response, communication, and education.

Excellence in Our Own Backyard
A panel of presenters from NACCHO (Michael Fraser, PhD), the DeKalb Center for Public Health Preparedness (Darren Collins, BS) and the East Central Health District Advance Practice Center (Frank Rumph, MD) provide an overview of the Advanced Practice Center national program and mission.

Healthcare Infections Associated with the Care and Treatment of Humans and Animals
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical, veterinary and public health professionals about healthcare associated infections (HAIs) in the care and treatment of animals and humans.

Legal Authorities for Public Health Emergencies
James J. Misrahi, JD, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Office of the General Counsel, examines the current status of public health law in the country.

Local Heroes - proud. professional. prepared.
Local Heroes is a training and social marketing campaign designed to engage public health workers in preparedness efforts and to provide them with tools and strategies to implement the program in their organization.

Master the Disaster!
Master the Disaster! is an emergency preparedness tabletop exercise builder. This interactive and customizable tool includes seven public health emergency scenarios (anthrax, botulism, hurricane, pandemic influenza, plague, radiological dispersal devices, and smallpox).

Master the Disaster2!
Master the Disaster!2 (MtD2) is an emergency preparedness tabletop exercise builder. This interactive and customizable tool includes six public health emergency scenarios: Chempack (organophosphate spill), flood, and nuclear attack, as well as three hospital evacuation scenarios—precipitated by earthquake, ice storm, or tornado.

Metro Atlanta Responds to West Nile Virus: A Coordinated Public Health Response
Joy Wells, MPH, Robert Blake, REHS, MPH, and Heidi Davidson, MPH, discuss the metro Atlanta’s coordinated response to West Nile Virus.

Monitoring Public Health at the 2004 G8 Summit: Routine and Syndromic Surveillance in Georgia
The goal of this web-based case study is to familiarize learners with how disease surveillance systems operate in Georgia, and the measures that were taken to monitor disease during the 2004 G8 Summit.

Monkeypox 2003
Jeff Davis, MD, Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist for Communicable Diseases for the Wisconsin Division of Health, discusses the 2003 monkeypox epidemic in his state.

Nurses’ Protocol Training (Georgia Division of Public Health)
Cherie L. Drenzek, DVM, MS, medical epidemiologist with the Georgia Division of Public Health, presents information from the Protocol Manual for Biological and Chemical Agents – June 2004 (Georgia Department of Human Resources, Georgia Division of Public Health).

Pandemic Influenza: Addressing an Unrelenting Threat
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical and public health professionals about pandemic influenza.

Pandemic Influenza Planning: The Reality of Implementation in the Southeast
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical and public health professionals about pandemic influenza planning.

POD/Dispensing Site Operations Training
This training focuses on the operation of a POD (Point of Dispensing) – also referred to as a Dispensing Site – for public health staff, emergency management professionals, and trained volunteers.

Public Health After Katrina's Rule
Raoult Ratard, MD, MPH, TM, MS, Louisiana State Epidemiologist, discusses the public health consequences of Hurricane Katrina, including infectious diseases, immunizations and healthcare delivery.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness: Lessons Learned and Progress Made Since 2001
Marcelle Layton, MD, is the Assistant Commissioner for the Communicable Disease Program at the NYC Department of Health. Dr. Layton discusses what happened in NYC in 2001 from her perspective and focuses on the lessons learned.

Responding to Accidental Releases of Chlorine: A Discussion with Georgia and South Carolina Public Health Officials
Bruce (Jeff) Jeffries, MA, PA of the Georgia Division of Public Health and Mary Anne Wenck, DVM, MPH of the South Carolina Division of Health and Environmental Control present their experiences as public officials responding to possible accidental releases of chlorine.

Significance of Trauma System Development to Public Health and Emergency Preparedness
Kathleen Toomey, MD, MPH, the Director of the Georgia Division of Public Health, moderates a panel on the role of emergency care as a part of public health preparedness.

The G-8 Summit: Continuing to Evaluate & Improve the Process & Goals of Public Health Preparedness
Lee Smith, State Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the Georgia Division of Public Health, presents issues involved in developing a seamless security and preparedness plan for the 2004 G8 Summit.

The Universe of Smallpox
Cherie Drenzek, DVM, MS, medical epidemiologist with the Georgia Division of Public Health, leads an interactive presentation to provide learners with a basic understanding of the disease smallpox.

Vaccines: Not Enough or Not Enough Time?
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical and public health professionals about vaccine shortages.

What I Wished I Had Learned in Nursing School ... About Emergency Preparedness
Becky Evans Kelly, BSN, RN, former Nursing Coordinator for Emergency Preparedness and Public Health for the Northwest Region of Louisiana, discusses her personal experiences and challenges while working in a relief shelter following Hurricane Katrina.

Working With the Media During a Public Health Crisis
This multimedia training is designed to assist non-communications public health professionals when working with the media during a crisis.

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