Influenza Planning: The Reality of Implementation in the Southeast
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical
and public health professionals about pandemic influenza planning.
The learner will learn about the national pandemic influenza response
and preparedness plan, strategies to minimize spread, preparing
the healthcare system, the animal/human interface, antiviral strategies
for pandemic influenza, and vaccine-related issues. They will also
learn about key unresolved planning issues and potential solutions.
Speakers are scientists and practitioners and the specific lectures
include: Overview of National Pandemic Influenza Response and Preparedness
Plan; Strategies to Minimize Spread (Implementation Issues, Legal
Issues); Preparing the Healthcare System to Care for Patients During
an Influenza Pandemic; Pandemic Influenza - The Animal/Human Interface;
Antiviral Strategies for Pandemic Influenza; Vaccines (Priority
Groups for Vaccination, Producing an Adequate Supply); Representative
State Plan; and Comparison of Southeastern State Plans. The CD-ROM
proceedings were developed in collaboration with the Southeastern
Center for Emerging Biologic Threats (SECEBT). (Symposium given
on November 10, 2005)
Audience: General Public Health
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast |