The G-8 Summit: Continuing to Evaluate & Improve the Process &
Goals of Public Health Preparedness
Lee Smith is the State Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for the
Georgia Division of Public Health. This lecture presents issues involved
in developing a seamless security and preparedness plan for the 2004
G8 Summit, including the roles and jurisdictions of key U.S. and Georgia
law enforcement, public safety, and health agencies. Although planning
and preparing for the Summit is a huge undertaking, Mr. Smith also
explains how this can be a tremendous opportunity for the State of
Georgia, particularly the Division of Public Health, to continue to
evaluate and improve the process and goals of public health preparedness.
Mr. Smith also provides his thoughts on the lessons that public health
professionals can learn from the planning, implementation and evaluation
of such an event. (Lecture given on January 22, 2004)
Audience: General Public Health
Time 56 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,