Excellence in Collaboration

This presentation highlights collaborative excellence! Presenting are Rob Blake, REHS, MPH, Heidi Davidson, MPH, and Susan Lance, DVM, PhD, all members of the Metro Atlanta Surveillance Task Force (MASTF), whose mission is to develop and coordinate a unified multi-agency health assessment system that promotes and protects the health of the people in the Atlanta region through surveillance and response, communication, and education. In 2004, MASTF received a Model Practice Award from the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO). The MASTF - West Nile Virus Plan was determined to demonstrate exemplary and replicable qualities in response to a local public health need. The lecture describes the mission of MASTF, the exemplary qualities of the West Nile Virus Plan and other MASTF projects. (Lecture given on March 10, 2005)

Audience: General Public Health
Time: 57 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast, Podcast