BreatheEasy Georgia Homes

BreatheEasy logoThe BreatheEasy Georgia Homes Program aims to reduce secondhand smoke exposure in multiunit housing in Georgia by supporting and recognizing apartment communities that implement smoke-free policies. The program provides resources and technical assistance to apartment communities interested in adopting a smoke-free policy at their property(ies), and provides free BreatheEasy Smoke-free Recognition to those that adopt a policy. The Emory Prevention Research Center coordinates the BreatheEasy Georgia Homes Program in partnership with the Georgia Department of Public Health, the Atlanta Apartment Association, and other public health and housing stakeholders committed to promoting smoke-free homes for Georgia residents. This includes an active Learning Community of partners across the state who disseminate BreatheEasy resources in their local communities. Read more about the program and view all of the available resources for apartment owners, managers, and residents, including a listing of recognized smoke-free properties, on the BreatheEasy GA Homes website: