S ystems need to be established such as keeping the spectacles in the case that is always in the same safe location.
P raise your child for wearing the spectacles.
E ntertain your child, especially when he/she is beginning to wear the spectacles. Introduce new play activities. Invite friends for distraction.
C onsistency in your approach that the spectacles be worn daily at all times except bathing and sleeping is important.
T ime chosen to introduce the spectacles should not be the same time as the introduction of other changes such as solid foods, toilet training, or the "big bed".
A ttitude of the parent needs to be firm, matter of fact, calm, unwavering.
C onstant wearing of a broad brimmed sunhat outside is important as there aren't clip on sunglasses for this type of spectacle.
L et others help you. Your child will need a lot of attention and supervision at the beginning and during the time when he/she becomes more adept at removing the spectacles. Make a plan with your spouse and let friends, relatives, and other parents assist you.
E njoy your child. It is easy to become so focused on the spectacle wearing and your child's vision that you miss the fun of being with your child.
S afeguard your house. As with any young child, the safety proofing of your home is one way of protecting your child from accidents. Further information can be found at the Prevent Blindness website: Safe toys checklist and Eye Safety at Home.
#1 - FAQ's
#2 - TIPS
#3 - Practicalities
#4 Video
#1 Guidelines
#2 Spectacles
Contact Lenses
#1Contact Lenses
#2Contacts Video
#1 Eye Care Diary
#2 Detailed Diary Instructions
#3 Diary Video
Tips for Visual Acuity Testing