IATS Clinical Trial









IATS Clinical Trial

7-Day Eye Care Diary - Detailed Instructions

You should start recording information on Sunday morning and keep track of information through next Saturday evening. Each day, you and your child's other caregivers should record the following eye care events in the 7-Day Eye Care Diary:


sleep1 st Column – Sleep:

•  Write an ‘ S' next to the time when your child goes to sleep , even for a short nap.

Write the actual time next to the ‘ S' .

•  Write a ‘ W' next to the time your child wakes up, even if it's for a short while.

Write the actual time next to the ‘ W' .

•  Draw a line down to connect the ‘ S' to the ‘ W' .

•  To record a full night of sleep:

•  Write an ‘ S' next to the time your child goes to sleep .

•  Write the actual time next to the ‘ S' .

•  Draw a line from the ‘ S' down to 11:30 pm at the bottom of the page.

•  Turn to the next page, which is the next day.

•  Continue drawing the line from' Midnight ' down to the time your child wakes up .

•  Write a ‘ W' at the end of the line at the time your child wakes up .

•  Write the actual time next to the ‘ W' .


lenses2 nd Column - Contact Lens:

  • Put an ‘X' in the ‘No Use' box if your child did not wear a contact lens that day, even if he/she sometimes wears a contact. You should also put an ‘X' in this box if your child never wears a contact lens.
  • Write ‘ IN' next to the time when your child's contact lens is put in .

Note this actual time next to the word ‘ IN' .

  • Write ‘ OUT' next to the time your child's contact lens is taken out or falls out .

Note the actual time next to the word ‘ OUT' .

  • Draw a line down to connect the word ‘ IN' to the word ‘ OUT' .
  • Record any time the contact is in your child's eye.
  • Also note any times that the contact is out of your child's eye, even if it is only for a few minutes. This might happen if the contact lens falls out or if you take it out to clean the lens.
  • If your child has a contact lens in all the time, draw a line through the whole day from midnight to midnight. (Be sure to note this in the comments section)


glasses3 rd Column - Glasses :

  • Put an ‘ X' in the ‘No Use' box if your child did not wear glasses that day even if he/she never wears glasses. You should also put an ‘X' in this box if he/she sometimes wears glasses, but didn't wear them at all on that particular day.
  • Write ‘ ON' next to the time that your child's glasses were put on .

Note the actual time next to the word ‘ ON' .

  • Write OFF next to the time that that your child's glasses are taken off.

Note the actual time next to the word ‘ OFF'.

  • Draw a line down to connect the word ‘ ON' with the word ‘ OFF'.


patch4 th Column - Eye Patch:

  • Put an ‘X' in the ‘No Use' box if your child did not wear an eye patch that day. You should put an ‘X' in this box even if he/she never wears an eye patch. You should also put an ‘X' in this box if your child sometimes wears an eye patch, but didn't wear it at all on that particular day.
  • Write ‘ ON' next to the time that your child's eye patch was put on .

Note the actual time next to the word ‘ ON' .

  • Write ‘ OFF' next to the time that that your child's eyes patch was taken off.

Note the actual time next to the word ‘ OFF'.

  • Draw a line down to connect the word ‘ ON' with the word ‘ OFF' .
  • Record any time the patch is on your child's eye.
  • Also note any times that the patch is off, even if it is only for a few minutes.