Healthy Homes/Healthy Families

A research-tested program to promote healthy eating and prevent weight gain by creating a healthier home food environment.

Healthy Homes/Healthy Families is a research-tested program that uses health coaches to help families change their home food environments in a way that supports healthy eating. The program has several key components:

  1. A healthy action checklist that lists eight easy changes to make to the home.
  2. A tailored home environment that points out positive aspects of the home food environment and areas for improvement.
  3. A family contract for implementing at least three of the healthy actions.

Healthy Action Checklist

The current version of the program takes three months to deliver and involves six coaching sessions and six text messages. It can be delivered in-person, by telephone or remotely. While not designed for group delivery, it may also work in a group setting. The tailored home food environment profile is based on answers to a web-based survey and is generated automatically upon completion of the survey. If you would like a copy of the implementation manual and/or to learn more about the program, email Shade Owolabi or use the button below.

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Key Publications

Kegler MC, Bundy ŁT, Hartman T, Owolabi S, Haardörfer R. Promoting healthier home food environments through 2-1-1: a pilot and feasibility study. Fam Community Health. 2020 Oct/Dec;43(4):276-286.
Kegler MC, Haardörfer R, Alcantara IC, Gazmararian JA, Veluswamy JK, Hodge TL, Addison AR, Hotz JA. Impact of improving home environments on energy intake and physical activity: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Public Health. 2016 Jan;106(1):143-52.
Kegler MC, Alcantara I, Veluswamy JK, Haardörfer R, Hotz JA, Glanz K. Results from an intervention to improve rural home food and physical activity environments. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2012 6(3):265-77.