1. Careful medical monitoring: Whether or not you and your child participate in this study, your child will be seen regularly after surgery. However, as part of the study, your study doctor will follow very specific procedures at regularly spaced study visits to help your child develop the best possible vision.
2. Support: The quality of your child's sight is affected by how faithfully the treatment plan for wearing contact lenses, glasses and patches is followed. We know that following this plan can be hard. Therefore this study offers a strong support system to help parents through the challenging times. The local study coordinator and your study doctor will be available to help you. A study team member will call you regularly to answer questions, check on your supplies, and offer help.
3. Education: You will receive a notebook of resource information. The IATS website will have information for you. The coordinator and your study doctor will be available to answer questions. The more you know , the more comfortable you will be caring for your child. The more comfortable you are caring for your child , the more relaxed your baby will be.
4. Experts: The surgeons and study team members are experts in this specialized field.
5. Additional oversight: The safety of your child in this study will be closely watched by the NEI, FDA, and a specially appointed board of experts.
6. Travel Costs: You will be paid $100.00 every 3 months for completing all of the required post-surgery study visits / study activities to repay you for travel costs. If you complete all visits and study activities, you will be paid an additional $100.00 at the end of the study year.
7. Free supplies: Although the cost of the surgery and office visits will not be paid by the study , you will be provided with contact lenses, glasses, and patches free of charge . This study benefit will help you always to have the supplies that you need to follow your child's treatment plan as closely as possible.
8. A Gift to Future Babies and Parents: You and your child will be giving information that will help determine the best treatment in the future for infants born with a cataract in one eye.
Participating in a clinical research study deserves careful thought. If you wish further information, please look up the study site closest to you and call the number listed. Regardless of your decision, we all wish you and your baby the very best.
The IATS Team