A Tale of Two Cities: Toronto & New Orleans - The Role of the Legal and Business Communities in Recovering from an Emergency
Gene W. Matthews, JD, Director of the Institute of Public Health Law, discusses the importance of government and the business community working together in the area of public health, especially during emergencies, and how the legal community can assist in building a bridge between the two sectors.

Community Based
Participatory Research: A Strategy for Promoting Health & Reducing Health Disparities

Meredith Minkler, DrPH, Professor of Health and Social Behavior and Director of the DrPH Leadership Program at the School of Public Health at the University of California, Berkeley, delves into the implications of community-based participatory research and how it can effectively promote health and reduce health disparities.

Entertainment - Public Health Summit
Sonny Fox, President and CEO of Sonny Fox Consultants, emcees the Entertainment - Public Health Summit that explores the powerful connection between the entertainment industry and public health.

Flus of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Dr. Michael Lane and Dr. Richard Schieber co-present the first lecture in this year’s series, Flus of the 20th and 21st Century, which showcases both the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 and the Current Threat of Avian Influenza.

Going Beyond: An Experience with Boundaries
Huda C. Zurayk, PhD, Dean of the Faculty at the American University of Beirut, explores the many boundaries public health workers encounter as they strive to bring about well-being to populations of the world.

Jacobson v. Massachusetts and Public Health Law: Perspectives in 2005
This multimedia presentation asks the question: What is the proper balance between our rights as individuals and the government’s responsibility to protect the health of the community? The U.S. Supreme Court spoke to this issue in 1905 in its landmark Jacobson v. Massachusetts ruling.

Health Promotion and Education Lecture
Hubert H. Humphrey III, Senior Vice President of GCI Tunheim, explores the importance of using the nation's political and judicial process to successfully move forward and reestablish the priority of the public's health.

An Orientation to Public Health Systems Research & Public Health Finance
Lloyd F. Novick, MD, MPH, Director of the Division of Community & Preventive Medicine, Department of Family Medicine at the Brody School of Medicine of East Carolina University, serves as a moderator of a panel discussion about a project funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation aimed at advancing public health systems research and public health finance.

Social Capital and Population Health: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
Ichiro Kawachi, MD, PhD, Professor of Social Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, discusses social capital and social determinants of health that are relevant to health promotion.

Super-Sizing Health Promotion: Putting Research into Practice on a National Scale
Janet L. Collins, PhD, Director of the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, CDC, discusses limitations and dilemmas that face health promotion practice.

Tensions between Public Health Preparedness and Human Right: Immunization Cases Studies
Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of the 20th century.  Recognizing the value of vaccines to prevent disease and improve the health of the public, school systems and employers have required vaccines for more than 150 years.  More recently, many employers have also required their employees be vaccinated.  With such requirements, though, there can also be conflict and tension between protecting the health of the public and human rights.

Vaccines: Not Enough or Not Enough Time?
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical and public health professionals about vaccine shortages.

The Wind Beneath Their Wings: The Current Status of Pandemic Flu Vaccines

Linda Lambert, PhD, Chief of the Respiratory Diseases Branch of the Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the NIAID at NIH, presents the history of influenza vaccine development and pandemic influenza.

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