Disaster Preparedness for the Emergency Responder – An Oxymoron?
Betsy Gard, PhD, President of the Georgia Psychological Association, discusses organizational and systemic issues pertaining to emergency responders in light of a disaster.

Psychological Readiness and Resilience: Integrating Public Health and Clinical Models

Dori Reissman, MD, MPH, Senior Advisor for Disaster, Terrorism and Mental Health with the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control at the CDC, facilitates a panel discussion on the integration of mental health and public health preparedness.

Supporting Children and Families Following Disasters and Terrorism
David J. Schonfeld, MD is a pediatrician from Yale University School of Medicine, specializing in behavioral and developmental pediatrics.

The Human Side of Crisis
Bruce Blythe, CEO of Crisis Management International, Inc., discusses the human side of crisis.

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