Supporting Children and Families Following Disasters and Terrorism
David J. Schonfeld, MD is a pediatrician from Yale University School
of Medicine, specializing in behavioral and developmental pediatrics.
He is active in the area of children's mental health and the problems
that children suffer as a result of disasters and terrorism. Dr. Schonfeld
begins his lecture with simple and practical advice on how to support
children and families during and after a crisis. He then outlines
common symptoms of adjustment reactions that children can have and
reviews the risk factors that will help identify which children are
likely to benefit most from additional mental health services beyond
"psychological first aid." In his lecture, Dr. Schonfeld shares some
results of surveys that other people have done in New York City about
the needs of children after 9/11. Finally, Dr. Schonfeld mentions
general considerations for hospital and community preparedness planning
for terrorism and disasters as related to children's mental health.
(Lecture given on May 26, 2004)
Audience: General Public Health
Time: 1 hour 10 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,