Corrie Brown, DVM, PhD, is the Coordinator of International Veterinary
Medicine for the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University
of Georgia. Her discussion focuses on vulnerabilities in agriculture
as they relate to both accidental and intentional disease outbreaks.
Agroterrorism Preparedness in Georgia
Lee Myers, DVM, MPH, Dipl. ACVPM, a veterinarian and assistant commissioner
of the Animal Industry for the Georgia Department of Agriculture
discusses the importance of agriculture awareness and how vulnerable
the food sector is to agroterrorism.
An Overview: Attacks on Agriculture
and the Food Supply
Rocco Casagrande, PhD, Director of the Homeland Security Program
at Abt Associates, provides an overview of attacks on both agriculture
and the food supply.
City Under Water:
Flood Emergencies and Public Health
The goal of this web-based case study is to familiarize learners
with flood disasters, and how the public health workforce responds
to a flood emergency.
Emerging Threats in Public Health:
This multimedia training is designed to educate public health professionals
about agroterrorism. The content is divided into two modules. Module
1: Introduction to Agroterrorism; Module 2: Agroterrorism and the
Public Health Response.
Emerging Threats in Public
Health: Pandemic Influenza
This multimedia training is designed to educate public health professionals
about pandemic influenza. The content is divided into two modules.
Module 1: Introduction to Pandemic Influenza; Module 2: Avian Influenza
and the Public Health Response.
Food & Waterborne Infectious
Disease Threats Symposium
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical
and public health professionals about food and waterborne infectious
disease threats.
Monkeypox 2003
Jeff Davis, MD, Chief Medical Officer and State Epidemiologist for
Communicable Diseases for the Wisconsin Division of Health, discusses
the 2003 monkeypox epidemic in his state.
People, and Pathogens: Public Health and Crop Security in an Age
of Bio-Preparedness
Fletcher, PhD, of the Department of Entomology & Plant Pathology
at Oklahoma State University, talks about the vulnerability of plants
to emerging pathogens, pests and their potential for usage in bioterrorist
Science of Avian Influenza Control
in Agriculture
Swayne, DVM, MSc, PhD, Director, Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory,
U.S. Department of Agriculture, discusses the ecology and epidemiology
of avian influenza from an agricultural perspective.
Vectorborne Diseases of the Southeastern United States
This multimedia presentation has been designed to educate medical and public health professionals about Vectorborne Diseases of the Southeastern United States.
What's the Buzz about Vector
Control Issues?
Dr. Ira Schwartz and Dr. Ali Khan co-present the lecture, What’s
the Buzz about Vector Control Issues, which showcases both Malaria
as the ‘Historical Issue’ and the current parasitic
threats such as Hanta Virus, SARS and West Nile Virus as ‘Contemporary
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