What's the Buzz about Vector Control Issues?
The 2006 Models of Excellence Lecture Series engages public health
practitioners in discussions about historical and contemporary public
health events and extract lessons for future preparedness. Dr. Ira
Schwartz and Dr. Ali Khan co-present the lecture, What’s the
Buzz about Vector Control Issues, which showcases both Malaria as
the ‘Historical Issue’ and the current parasitic threats
such as Hanta Virus, SARS and West Nile Virus as ‘Contemporary
Issues’. Each presenter describes the issue at hand and identifies
lessons learned for public health practitioners today or in the future.
Dr. Kathy Miner moderates this session and facilitates a discussion
intended to elaborate on the lessons for preparedness.
(Lecture given on February 20, 2006)
Audience: General Public Health
Time: 1 hour 4 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,