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Below are links to epidemiologic and statistics resources: OpenEpi Software - OpenEpi Software is a freely downloadable web-based electronic calculator that provides statistics for counts and person-time rates in descriptive and analytic studies, stratified analysis with exact confidence limits, matched pair analysis, sample size calculations, random numbers, chi-square for dose-response trend, sensitivity, specificity and other evaluation statistics, R x C tables, and links to other useful sites. Clicking on this OpenEpi Software link connects you to the Open Epi (free resource) website guidelines. Note also that the items listed on the left side of this guideline page provide statements that the OpenEpi Software user can choose from to carry out the analysis of a specific interest to the user. These statements are different from the statements that appear on all other web pages that provide the user with the overall outline for the Author's website (http://www.activepi.com).EpiInfo™ - Epi Info is a freely downloadable software package developed by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. With Epi Info™ and a personal computer, epidemiologists and other public health and medical professionals can rapidly develop a questionnaire or form, customize the data entry process, and enter and analyze data. Epidemiologic statistics, tables, graphs, and maps are produced with simple commands such as READ, FREQ, LIST, TABLES, GRAPH, and MAP. Epi Map displays geographic maps with data from Epi Info™. Clicking on this (EpiInfo™) link connects you to CDC's website guidelines for EPI INFO. ActivStats - ActivStats is an innovative multimedia education product that teaches introductory college-level statistics and the use of the computer package Data Desk (contact Data Desk for more information). ActivStats was designed and authored by Paul Velleman, Founder of Data Description, Inc. in Ithaca, NY. ActivStats reflects modern research into how people learn and specifically how people learn statistics. Other textbooks by David Kleinbaum Kleinbaum, Kupper and Morgenstern, Epidemiologic Research: Principles and Quantitative Methods, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 1982 Kleinbaum, Kupper, Nizam and Rosenberg, Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods, Fifth Edition, Cengage Learning, 2014 Kleinbaum and Klein, Logistic Regression-A Self-Learning Text, Third Edition, Springer Publishers, 2010 Kleinbaum and Klein, Survival Analysis-A Self-Learning Text, Third Edition , Springer Publishers, 2011 Kleinbaum, Sullivan, and Barker, A Pocket Guide to Epidemiology, Springer Publishers, 2007 Kleinbaum, Calles, and Sullivan. ActivEpi Español: Libro de texto de acompañamiento para uso suplementario con el CD-ROM de ActivEpi Español. Pan American Health Organization and Emory Univerity (2013).
Dr Kleinbaum (CDC/EIS) comedy skit