More Than the Sum of Its Parts: The Case for a Collaborative Approach

David A. Ross, ScD is the Director of the Public Health Informatics Institute at The Task Force for Child Survival and Development. The purpose of Dr. Ross's lecture is to explore the idea that the transformation of the information infrastructure in public health can occur through a process of collaborative problem definition, collaborative solution design, and collaborative performance measurement. Dr. Ross discusses enterprise public health information systems and four key questions: (1) why do it? (2) how does the work get done? (3) what are the requirements? and (4) how to measure success? Dr. Ross uses the Public Health Informatics Institute's experience working the Association of Public Health Laboratories - to define the requirements for public health laboratory information management systems, as a case study to illustrate his messages. (Lecture given on May 13, 2004)

Audience: General Public Health
Time 1 hour 8 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast, Podcast