The Future of Technology and Its Impact on Global Public Health Preparedness

Robert Gold, PhD, DrPH, FAAHB is the Dean of the College of Health and Human Performance and the Co-Director of the Public Health Informatics Research Laboratory at the University of Maryland. During this lecture, Dr. Gold describes existing and emerging technologies used by public health professionals to prevent, prepare for and respond to natural and terrorist public health disasters. Participants will learn how technology is appropriately and effectively used to revolutionize the way we communicate, provide medical and public health services, detect public health problems, use data, carry out research and personalize education. A respondent panel, composed of faculty and staff from the Emory School of Nursing, the Rollins School of Public Health and the CDC, respond to the lecture with their thoughts on what applications this has to their job, role and organization. (Lecture given on September 17, 2003)

Audience: General Public Health
Time 1 hour 6 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast, Podcast