Bioterrorism & Anthrax
Philip S. Brachman, MD is a professor at the Rollins School of Public
Health of Emory University and the chair of the Institute of Medicine's
committee for review of the anthrax vaccine's safety and efficacy.
After providing a brief history and overview of anthrax, Dr. Brachman
focuses on two main issues. First, he discusses the etiology, diagnosis
and treatment of both cutaneous and inhalational anthrax. Second,
he provides an in-depth analysis of the epidemic caused by anthrax
sent through the U.S. postal system in the fall of 2001. His analysis
includes: information on the type of anthrax used; a description of
the pattern of infection; and how cross contamination among letters
and postal facilities occurred. (Lecture given on October 9, 2002)
Audience: General Public Health
Time: 58 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,