Right Stuff: The Transfer of Research into Best Practices
With attention placed on the experiences within the Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response (COTPER), this presentation focuses on the relationship between practice and research, how one informs the other, and the most efficient transfer of research findings into practice. Richard Besser, MD (Coordinating Office for Terrorism Preparedness and Emergency Response, CDC) and Robert Spengler, ScD (Office of Public Health Research, CDC) provide an overview of COTPER, lessons learned in the field of public health preparedness, the value of an increased focus on integrating research into public health preparedness, and the prospect of gaining additional lessons due to an increased integration of research in this field. Also included is an overview of translation research to improve public health practice, the value of promoting the integration of research and practice to maximize influence and impact, factors of “translatability” and barriers to overcome, and the application to public health preparedness/response and opportunities for research. (Lecture given on January 29, 2008)
Audience: General Public Health
Time: 1 hour 8 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,
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