Information Systems for Emergency Preparedness: Partners in the Effort
Cynthia Grant (Assistant Chief Nurse - Emergency Preparedness, Georgia
Department of Human Resources, Division of Public Health/Office of
Nursing) and Jeanne Spears (Volunteer Partner and Interim Co-Lead,
Health Services, American Red Cross) co-present this lecture which
focuses on information systems and lessons learned during Katrina
and other disasters. The presenters share essential elements of information
systems during an emergency response, the data or records required
by collaborating agencie such as public health and the American Red
Cross, the flow of such data between agencies, and how collaborating
organizations can work together to develop consistent information
systems with clear standards and specifications. Included is a discussion
of national efforts to elevate the capabilities of public health information
systems and to integrate them across the variety of organizations
that participate in public health.
(Lecture given on January 18, 2007)
Audience: General Public Health
Time: 1 hour 24 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,
Podcast |