Good Ideas Start Small: SECEBT Seed Grant Model
The mission of the Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats (SECEBT) is to combat the threat of emerging and reemerging biologic agents through a regional collaborative partnership. In this lecture, Walter Orenstein, MD (Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats, Emory University), Zhen Huang, PhD (Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University) and Richard Plemper (Graduate Division of Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Emory University) showcase SECEBT and the model it uses to encourage, through the use of seed money, science and its translation into practice (in essence, the model for identifying and rapidly generating ideas through effective use of seed money, with the hope for sustainability). Two seed grant recipients describe their program, how they were able to leverage opportunities such as partnerships into sustained growth, and the importance in continuing to explore the potential for “small ideas”. (Lecture given on April 22, 2008)
Audience: General Public Health
Time: 1 hour 22 minutes
Format(s): CD-ROM, Webcast,
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