Applied Epidemiology




Upon completion, every participant will be able to:


-Set up data collection for surveillance, outbreak investigation or program monitoring purposes that describes health events accurately, balancing comprehensiveness with data collection burden

- Review and analyze surveillance or program monitoring data descriptively

- Have a nuanced understanding of the limits of surveillance data

- Be a capable team member in county or state-level outbreak investigation

-Understand conceptually principles of analytic studies, graphics


Prerequisite: MPH or employment in county/state/national public health organization (some exceptions).

Course components*:


-Review of quantitative measures used in descriptive epi

- Exercise: Using Descriptive Epi in Surveillance Systems and Outbreak Investigations

- Introduction to Public Health Surveillance

- Analyzing Surveillance Data

-Local presentation of Surveillance System results and analysis

- Surveillance Case Study

-Exercise: Sampling

-Outbreak Investigations I and II

-Outbreak Case Study

-Study Design I

-Analytic Methods: an Introduction

- Introduction to Social Epidemiology

-Case Study III: surveillance, outbreak or analytic methods focus

-Scientific Communication

-Special Topics


* This course can be structured in a variety of ways. Customization of length/topics is available.


Duration: 3 – 5.0 days, depending on breadth and depth of topics covered


Number of participants: 8-40


In person/remote: Either