International Course
Courses for Public Health Professionals

Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University

Applied Epidemiology Prerequistes Courses Offered Apply Online Other Links Feedback Web Site Menu

International Course in Applied Epidemiology with Introduction to R Studio

Course Date   Due to COVID-19, this training has been postponed until further notice.
Deadline: Open until filled
Applicants with USA visas may apply after deadline and will be accepted if space is available.

Cost   Register online at

Click to apply for this course.

Housing at Villa International or any other hotel and other travel expenses are NoT included in this fee.

Please note: Class must meet a minimum number of enrolled students to commence. We require at least 10 students per class. Applicants will be notified 30 days before first day of class if a class is cancelled.

Course Description
This basic course in epidemiology is directed at public health professionals from countries other than the United States. Its content includes presentations and discussions of epidemiologic principles, basic statistical analysis, public health surveillance, field investigations, surveys and sampling, and discussions of the epidemiologic aspects of current major public health problems in international health. Included are s mall group discussions of epidemiologic case exercises based on field investigations. Participants are encouraged to give a short presentation reviewing some epidemiologic data from their own country. Computer training using R Studio program.

Familiarity with the vocabulary and principles of basic epidemiology, or completion of CDC's "Principles of Applied Epidemiology" home-study course or equivalent. Preference will be given to applicants whose work involves priority public health problems in international health.

Sample Agenda   Agenda 9_14_2019rr.pdf

Course Locations
Emory University
Rollins School of Public Health
Hubert Department of Global Health
1518 Clifton Road, CNR 7038
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Directions to Rollins School of Public Health/Emory Campus
Also at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Course Topics

  • Epidemiologic principles and basic statistical analysis
  • Public Health surveillance, Field Investigations
  • Causation, Screening
  • Surveys and sampling
  • Epidemiologic aspects of current problems in international health
  • Epidemiologic problems, discussed in small groups, based on actual field investigations
  • Presentations by participants of epidemiologic data from their own countries
  • Computer training using R studio, a statistical program used to analyze and manipulate data during outreak investigations
  • Presentations on the organization and work of the CDC in International Health

  • Please note: Interpretation services for language and disability impairements are not available for these short programs

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    Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University
    Co-sponsored by:
    The Rollins School of Public Health of Emory University (RSPH)
    Hubert Department of Global Health
    and The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
    Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology and Laboratory Services (CSELS)
    CDC Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services