This conference will promote statistical research in China and encourage collaboration among statisticians across continents. This conference will focus on the statistical application in economics and biomedical research, as well as other fields of statistical theory and applications. Dr. Michael Waterman (USC) and Dr. Lee-Jen Wei (Harvard) have agreed to be the keynote speakers.
Abstract submission is welcomed and encouraged (the deadline is June 1st 2016). Selected abstracts will be included for oral presentation. The rest will be presented as posters.
For invited speakers from outside of mainland China, the registration fee is USD$200.00 (include banquet). For others from outside of mainland China, an additional $50.00 is assessed if attending the banquet (optional). For participants from mainland China, please see the Chinese version. Lunches, tea/coffee breaks are included in the registration fee. Discounted onsite hotel accommodation rate has been negotiated.
Jun Shao, co-chair, Professor of Statistics, University of Wisconsin - Madison.
Jun S. Liu, co-chair, Professor of Statistics, Harvard University.
Michael Yu Zhu, Professor of Statistics, Purdue University.
Zhaohui (Steve) Qin, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University.
Ming Hu, Assistant Professor of Biostatistics, NYU School of Medicine.
Ke Deng, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Tsinghua University.
Tianwei Yu, Associate Professor of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University.
Academy of Applied Statstical Science, East China Normal University
Center for Statistical Science, Tsinghua University