Friends School of AtlantaDecatur, Georgia 30030 404-373-8746
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"The Friends School of Atlanta, Inc., continues a three hundred-year Quaker tradition based on the belief that there is that of God in every person. The school manifests Quaker values of simplicity, community, integrity, equality, and peace. As we believe that all people have within themselves the Spirit of their own Goodness, so we believe that all students have within themselves unique capacities for learning and achievement. The learning program provides opportunities for students to achieve the highest academic levels. In a supportive learning environment, students develop their capacities through independent thought, service and responsible action. This fosters life-long learning, self-confidence, and respect for others. We provide a caring, cooperative atmosphere and we discourage that which would set one student above or against another. An integral part of the school is the silent meeting for worship, where the community gathers to attend to the inner voice of the spirit. This is a time to reflect upon experience, share thoughts with one another, and seek truth. The belief of Friends that individuals must find their own way leads to respect for faith of everyone. The testimony of peace, based on a belief in the worth of each person, is reinforced in the School by listening and negotiating in a spirit of unity. This same testimony leads us to strive for diversity among students, parents, teachers, the Board of Oversight and the learning environment. We hope that as students incorporate the value of human respect in their lives, they will take their wisdom and turn it towards social issues that extends beyond their immediate community to the world at large."